The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to provide a structured way for laity, religious and priests to coordinate, encourage, promote, and participate in the apostolic, spiritual and administrative work of the parish. This body is primarily responsible for creating a unified and coherent vision for the parish. The Pastoral Council meets the fourth Wednesday of the month. Members are elected in May for terms of three years.
The Buildings and Grounds Committee is accountable to the Finance Council for the care, maintenance, improvement, and regular inspection of the parish properties. The committee also submits to the Finance Council a prioritization of the needed repairs and improvements. The Buildings and Grounds Committee, convened by the Pastor, meets on a quarterly basis.
The Liturgy Committee nourishes and gives direction to the liturgical and worship life of the parish. Members of this committee include a deacon, the parish Director of Worship, the Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, and coordinators of all liturgical areas: readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, hospitality, music, art and environment, as well as any parishioner who has an interest in and desire to contribute to liturgical planning and spiritual growth. The Liturgy Committee meets the second Monday of the month.
The Parish Community Life Committee engages the parishioners in various activities as a means of building community. The responsibilities of this committee encompasses all programs and activities of the parish which strengthen or create community, foster family life, or improve communication and connections among parishioners.
The Parish Community Life Committee meets the first Monday of the month.
Upcoming Event
The Finance Council has the responsibility of planning, providing for, and supervising the financial affairs and the physical properties of the parish. It is concerned with stewardship, the budget, church support, and the effective utilization, care and maintenance of the parish properties.
The Resurrection Stewardship Committee’s primary goals are to continue urging stewardship as a “way of life” in the parish, and to educate parishioners on the concept of stewardship. The committee meets the third Wednesday of the month at the Parish Office.
The Social Justice Committee is active in a variety of programs which promote peace, justice, and charity, both within and outside of Resurrection Parish. After discussion of relevant issues, activities are planned to both educate and actively involve the entire parish community. The committee has a two-pronged focus: direct service to meet people’s needs, and advocacy to change the systems which cause injustice and oppression. Meetings are on the third Monday of each month.
Tithing grants are Resurrection's way of being good stewards as a parish. Every month, the parish gives $1,000 dollars from tithing to a variety of local, national, and global charities. These organizations are recommended and sponsored by a parishioner. To sponsor a charity, please review the Tithing Grant Policy and fill out and submit the Tithing Grant Application by emailing it to the Business Manager at